Saturday, March 26, 2011

Belly buttons...we all have 'em!

And so...lately I've become more aware of how I enjoy feeling valued and appreciated. I'm not sure it's possible in today's world to have original thoughts on the topic of significance and our human struggle to obtain it. But I've shared a few of my personal perspectives with friends and they encouraged me to blog those thoughts and that made me feel important. =D So here they are:

Whether it's children on a playground choosing teams for a game of baseball or well-dressed business men spending money they don't have, to impress people they don't really like...we all want to feel important. We want to be noticed, recognized for the special things that make us unique. The truth about human nature is that no matter how recognized you become in your own little world, it will never be enough because God created us with that need. He purposefully designed our hearts so that we would look to Him for our significance. When we expect others around us to appreciate or value us enough, we will be sorely disappointed and frustrated. Think of those shape sorters for children, where they pick up a square plastic block and try to cram it into the round hole. In the eyes of our creator I bet we look similar when we set our intention on position, title, role, or associations. Only understanding God's love for and pleasure in us will fill the God shaped hole he strategically placed in our hearts. I don't see this as a 'spiritual illness' to be cured or a 'weakness' to be strengthened. It's God's design that we come to Him daily/hourly to know that we are enough. And when we get close enough to Him to hear His whispers of affirmation, our hearts are encouraged to stay close to Him...which is when the God-shaped block fits perfectly into the God-shaped hole in our hearts.

In Mark 8:27-30 the account of Peter confessing Jesus as Messiah is recorded. In their discussion Jesus asks his closest followers/friends "Who do people say I am". Their response is of course neither shocking nor accurate. NONE of the people around him were able to accurately reflect who He really was. I don't think for one second Jesus was asking that question in the same way we do, but I think the response of others is still true today. No one in your life can fully, accurately tell you all that you are now or who are meant to be. No one but Jesus.

It is likely that as you've read thus far that you agree with what I've said and maybe you have even had the picture of someone you know flash before your eyes. It is easy to identify this struggle in other people you know. But I think this conflict is a little bit like a belly button...we all have them! So before you judge the actions of a person who seems to be "showing their belly button", take a minute and examine your own heart/actions. In those moments, CHOOSE GRACE and identify their struggle as common and pray that their desire would be redirected to the ONLY one who can satisfy it. Because if you are not aware of significance being a difficulty for you currently, it may be in the future. And when grace is given, it will be returned to you!

We all know and recognize that 'the world is full of hurting-struggling people'. Many of us give unending grace to the unbelievers that we encounter daily. Perhaps we could all broaden our definition of hurting-struggling people to include church going, serving, committed believers (self included) and extend His grace to everyone. Wouldn't it be great if doing so took the shame out of this issue? So that it would be no worse than having lipstick on your teeth or forgetting to zip your pants. With grace and understanding, we appreciate those things being brought to our attention. We correct them and move on, grateful that someone cared enough to point it out. One of the best indicators that a person understands grace is when they give it to themselves, allowing for sin followed by sincere repentance and a return to walking heart to heart with the Holy Spirit.

I have a friend who encourages others in a high-pitched, Minnie Mouse type voice "Look for Jesus. He's moving. Look for Him everywhere!" I find, on those days, when that is my focus, I see Him everywhere. I see Him in the face of the father pushing his child in a swing at the park, in the sway of the trees as they bow to the wind, in the faithfulness of the sunset. When my heart is focused on looking for Him, I seem to be able to forget about who is looking at me!

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