Love has an idea
and literally moves heaven and earth to make it happen. Love voluntarily let’s
go of something dear to His heart, knowing that it will return to Him. Love
also volunteers to lay down His life and all of the rights and privileges that
truly are ‘rightfully’ His. Love willingly enters a world in which He has no
control. Love, that IS the end goal…chooses to start at our beginning with full
knowledge of the plan that Love had at inception. Love came to earth as a
helpless baby, beautifully displaying His desire and choice for human
interaction in order for the grand plan to succeed. In heaven, Love waited and
watched and suffered long. On earth Love walked in patience and kindness and
modeled how to trust and hope and persevere. Love experienced EVERY THING we
experience…joy, laughter, friendship, excitement as well as disappointment,
rejection, pain, sorrow, betrayal, abuse of every kind. Love was tempted for an
extended period of time to exert His rightful place on this earth as King and
Love chose to say no to that temptation and wait on Love’s timing. Love
graciously dealt with the perpetual misrepresentation of himself, allowing His
own actions to be His defense. Love was not fully understood by His closest
friends yet accepted and valued who they were individually. Love was passionate
about what was wrong and expressed that exuberantly. Love did not bow to
injustice…aside from that which was His to endure for the sake of the eternity
of mankind. Love endured public mocking, scorn and humiliation for His bride.
Love lied down willingly to be killed. Love despised the shame, but endured the
cross. In the middle of the greatest physical, mental, emotional abuse that has
ever taken place on earth…Love forgave those who did not understand what they
were doing. Love made certain those He loved were cared for, even in the midst
of the worst pain possible. Love finished well. And then…Love was rewarded with all that was rightfully His.
That’s what love